Tuesday 2 November 2010

Thriller opening sequence


Shot 1:(LS) We will open the scene with an enigma shot of people dancing at a party, you will hear the music and especially the bass to get a feeling of being at a party and an up tempo effect.

Shot 2:(Establishing shot) The camera will then go down to head level so that you can only see a few people dancing, you can still hear the music and bass.

Shot 3:(OTSS) The camera then goes behind a girls head and slowly pans downwards to show her pull her hands out of her pocket (shot 4) you then see drugs in her hands and get given the hint she is about to either take them or deal them. the camera then follows her towards a man who buys drugs off her. This scene makes you feel as though the girl is a rebel against society (Later find out she has been forced into it)

Shot 5:(MS) The music then goes silent and you are taken outside the party to a boy that is sitting at home looking as though he is waiting for someone.

Shot 6:(CU) The camera then zooms in onto a coffee table with a phone and photo frame on it, the photo is of the boy, his father, and a girl (the girl is the same girl you have just seen but you do not know that yet) you then see the boys hand grab the phone and take it away. However the camera stays on the picture frame so that the audience can see that it is him in the photo.

Shot 7:(OTSS/ECU) You then see the boy type on his phone "where are you? x". This brings question as to who he is sending it to. It also shows that he is worried about someone, but who?

Shot 8:(ECU) You then see the boy send the text to an unknown person named Grace Hopkins. The close up ensures you can see the text.

Shot 9:(MOHS) The camera is then taken to a public toilet which you can tell is from the party you have just seen before as you can still hear the same music and bass. The same girl as before (You can tell by the clothes) walks through the toilet door and into a toilet room. This shows the girl is now alone.

Shot 10:(OH/CU) The camera is then placed to take a shot of the girl inside the toilet room laying out the rest of the drugs she has left. You can still hear the bass of the music. She is getting ready to take the drugs. This makes the audience feel more positive of their assumption about her earlier, that she is a depressed young teenager.

Shot 11:(OHS) Just as she is about to take the drugs she then receives 2 texts from 2 different people. One says "where are you? x" from a boy named Ben Hopkins (The boy at home is her brother) and the other text says "im waiting outside" from an unkown number. This gives you new mixed messages about her, whos waiting for her? why is she doing all of this when she has a brother that cares for her at home? You then see her delete the one from her brother and then close down her phone.

Shot 12:(CU) You then see the girl take the drugs, still with the sound of music and bass in the background. This shows that although she has received 2 different texts, they do not stop her from doing what she has for some reason set out to do.

Shot 13:(OTSS) You then see her pack up her stuff and head out the door of the toilet room, as she opens the door you hear the loud sound of music to show she is back at the party/club.

Shot 14:(POV) You are then given a point of view shot of her walking back through the herd of people in the party. This shot shows that she is leaving the club in a hurry.

Shot 15:(MS) The camera then shows a Fire Exit door which soon bangs open to reveal the girl jogging through. This shot shows that she is not needed within the club anymore.

Shot 16:(MS) You are then shown a motorbike parked by the road and you can see the girl walking over to him. You no longer hear the music sound, but the normal sound of night life London. You can also hear the motorbikes engine. This shot shows that the girl has some kind of connection with this mysterious man.

Shot 17:(CU) The girl is then told that she must get on his bike and is given a helmet. Although the girl does now know this man she seems to trust him, brings more question.

Shot 18:(POV) You are then shown a very strange shot of the girl being given a ride on the motorbike, only the shot will be speeded up so that you get a `high` feeling to it. This shot shows that the drugs have started to kick in

Shot 19:(LS) There is no more sound of anything, just very faint sounds of London nightlife. You can see the motorbike then park up next to a road (Near the London Eye) The man then points towards the River Thames and says "Over there" suggesting the girl walks towards it. This brings question, why must she go over there? what awaits?

Shot 20:(ELS) You are then shown the girl walking towards the fence/balcony of the River Thames, you can also see the London Eye. As she is walking she keeps stumbling as the drugs are still taking effect on her. This shot (because of the extreme long shot) makes her look vulnerable.

Shot 21:(CU) You are then shown the girls face, looking side to side as if scared, but really it is just the drugs. This shot just shows the audience even more that the drugs really are taking a large effect on her, as if it were her first time.

Shot 22:(LS) Still hearing London night life, the camera is now placed on the balcony's side tracing Grace as she moves towards it. This shows she is almost at her destination.

Shot 23:(MS) You are then shown the girl standing over the fence looking across the river. Shows that she is now waiting for whatever is going to happen.

Shot 24:(CU) You then see a mans hand rest on the girls shoulder and you can hear him say (come with me) This is the last shot and brings loads of different questions such as, who was the man, why is she doing this, who was the motorcyclist, is she doing this at her own will etc

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