Thursday 18 November 2010

Change to our opening scene

Our original plan had been to shoot a party scene with our main character Grace Hopkins watching people dance and dealing drugs for the gang she is being blackmailed by. Our aim was to try and make the opening of our thriller as authentic as possible and after experimenting with shots with friends recreating a party as best as we could, we discovered after watching the shots back that we weren't able to recreate the 'vibe' of a party well enough to give our opening the right effect and feel. As the party scene is the opening to our piece it needs to be as good as possible as its the first thing the viewers will see. Due to wanting the best opening possible we have now slightly altered our idea. Instead of opening with shots of a party scene we are now going to cross cut between party lights (lasers, strobe lights etc) and title sequences with party music playing over the top to give the audience a feel of a big party taking place without actually showing it and then cut to Chloe (our actress) going into the toilet (with a faint bass in the background to show she is at this party) and then carry on with our opening as originally planned. This change to our openings also means we can now include extreme close ups (of the lights) which are shots we hadn't yet planned to include so this means our opening will now include a bigger variety of shots so we are both pleased with the change to our opening

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