Wednesday 29 September 2010

Who watches thrillers, and why?

There are many sub genres when it comes to thrillers. There are horror, comedy, romance, action etc. I believe that thrillers, typically would attract mainly to males due to the fast paced action commonly shown in thrillers (although occasionally a female audience can be found depending on the attractiveness of the main character. e.g Bond) The romance element often presented in thrillers can also appeal to females.
Although the age group for thrillers (especially a horror thriller e.g. Seven) would target at mainly over 18's, Under 18's can find the film attractive as it is something they should not be watching and the violence can often appeal to them. Although the age can differ depending on the sub genre of the thriller. For instant, a legal thriller (e.g. Law Abiding Citizen) might attract a slightly older audience as the film may be more intellectually challenging, whereas a more accessibly comedic thriller could be aimed at a younger audience again, as everybody would understand the jokes made.

Why do we watch Thrillers?
These are some reasons as to why people may watch films in general:
- Entertainment: Watching films can be used as escapism or relaxation or possibly an emotional release from a problem
- Integration & Social Interaction: People sometimes watch films to identify with others and finding a basis for social interaction (Did you watch this film? etc) It can provide a substitute for a companion
- Personal Identity: films can enable people to find reinforcement for personal values and gain an insight into ones self
- Information: People can gain an insight into the world through watching films and satisfy certain curiositys

But why watch thrillers?
Due to thrillers most commonly using lots of fast paced action, thrillers can very easily be used as escapism with viewers as it would be very easy to get caught up in all the action and forgetting about possible problems with their lives currently. If a thriller was perhaps themed around law then the films can be very informative as many thrillers include accurate 'law terms' and how the criminal justice system works. Due to the typical stereotyping of characters in thrillers, the films can often act as a lesson in morals and whats right and whats wrong shown through the clear 'Heroes' and 'Villains'. Certain popular thrillers such as Bond or The Bourne Ultimatum can offer a guaranteed social interaction, as many people talk about watching the films and their best bits etc as they are such popular films that everyone has at least heard of.

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